Sharing The Love

Blue Cross volunteers work to combat loneliness
Valentines card.

This past Valentine’s Day, more than 200 local seniors received a surprise in the mail.

In December, a team of 20 volunteers from the Blue Cross Stars, Quality, and Risk Adjustment team gathered to create cards that were sent to seniors on Valentine’s Day. Volunteers were able to complete 200 hand-made cards and continue what has become an annual act of kindness and a yearly tradition.

For individuals who have lost a spouse, a loved one or are just feeling lonely, Valentine’s Day can be a difficult occasion. The goal with sending these valentines is to show recipients that their community cares about them.

Each quarter, Blue Cross employee volunteers participate in card creating events like this in partnership with Friends & Co, (formerly Little Brothers – Friends of the Elderly). Based in Minneapolis, Friends & Co works to form community connections for older adults. The organization helps facilitate coffee talks, phone and visiting companionships between volunteers and seniors. During these talks, seniors are able to share memories with volunteers, exchange life experiences and have someone to confide in.

In recent years and in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, loneliness and feelings of social isolation have been on the rise. According to the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine NASEM), one in four adults aged 65 and older are considered socially isolated, and the loneliness that results can lead to mental and physical health problems.

In 2022, Friends & Co and additional Blue Cross volunteers created more than 1,200 valentines — with Friends & Co seniors each receiving three valentine cards from each associate. For many, these Valentine cards, and other efforts like it, can serve as a reminder that they are not alone. To get connected with Friends & Co, or learn more about their services, visit