Jeanne Adam focuses on conducting market research and analyzing member feedback to help understand and improve health care experiences. Part of her role is conducting the annual Consumer Assessment of Healthcare Providers and Systems (CAHPS) survey and the Health Outcomes Survey (HOS) as tools for member understanding. Jeanne shared why these surveys are important and what her department does to enhance member experience.
thrive.: Can you share a bit about your role?
Jeanne: We are constantly striving to improve and that takes more than just reviewing numbers or analytics. We want to hear from members what aspects of their plan they are happy with and also where we can do better. We want to improve the whole health care experience.
thrive.: Can you talk about the CAHPS and HOS surveys and why they are important?
Jeanne: The CAHPS survey is a standardized tool that we send to members each year to understand and measure health plan and provider experiences. The survey, done in coordination with the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), holds us accountable to the government and our members, and the feedback drives real changes to your health care. The HOS survey is tailored for Medicare members only and conducted by CMS. It asks about clinical activities specifically with the ultimate goal of improving patient outcomes and overall health. It might ask whether you got a flu shot, for example. Both of these surveys are anonymous and member participation is important as they can make a real difference in the care you receive.
thrive.: What’s the best part about your role with Blue Cross?
Jeanne: I really like digging into the feedback we get, especially to the open-ended questions. People probably don’t realize how much we read them, identify opportunities for improvement, and act on them.