Creating Connections

Blue Cross volunteers write personalized valentines for older adults

Sometimes the simplest acts create the greatest impact. Last year, Blue Cross volunteers partnered with Friends and Co in Minneapolis to write over 1,240 personalized Valentine’s Day cards for more than 400 of their members. This Quarterly Card Connect program aims to lessen feelings of isolation and loneliness for older adult members of the Friends and Co program.

“As people age, most have a built-in family or financial support system,” says Ann Fosco, community impact director at Friends and Co. “But those who don’t, like the older adults in our program who receive the cards and notes, are at a greater risk of isolation and loneliness.”

Social isolation and loneliness have been greatly increased by the COVID-19 pandemic and are linked to higher rates of depression and dementia. Though most restrictions have been lifted and vaccines and boosters are readily available, social isolation and loneliness persist.

“Our members need to feel connected, valued, and that someone is thinking of them,” Fosco says.

Each member of Friends and Co received three personalized, handwritten cards from Blue Cross associates. Fosco says that these handwritten cards make a difference. Some members write back expressing their gratitude and one member keeps the cards to look at when she’s feeling lonely.

“Participating in this activity by addressing envelopes was very rewarding,” says Deann Kukla, a senior business analyst at Blue Cross. “It felt good to know the difference they will make in the seniors’ lives. It’s a simple task with a big reward.”

In addition to writing cards, Friends and Co has a drop-in “coffee talk” phone line, vision companions, and a phone companion program. Each program aims to combat loneliness through phone conversations. Learn more at

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