doctor trajano

Wellness visit vs. physical

The difference between an annual wellness visit and a routine physical

Member: Especially around this time of year, there’s a lot of information out there about having an annual wellness visit. What is the di erence between an annual wellness visit and a routine physical exam? —Dana, Golden Valley

Doctor: Thanks for your question, Dana. This time of year, it’s great to be thinking about your annual wellness visit, which primarily focuses on prevention and is different than a routine physical. Here are some key points of distinction:

The Purpose

The purpose of an annual wellness visit is to establish or update your personalized prevention plan of service (PPPS). What is a PPPS? It is a customized plan designed to help prevent disease and disability based on your current health and risk factors. Continue reading for more information on a PPPS.

At a physical exam, the purpose is to study the body in order to determine if there are any physical problems.


During the Visit

At an annual wellness visit, your health care provider will perform a health risk assessment by asking questions about your health, review your and your family’s medical history, update your health care provider and prescription list, record key measurements, look for signs of aging like memory loss, develop a preventive screening and immunization schedule, and provide personalized health advice, a list of risk factors, and treatment options. This is your PPPS.

During a physical exam, the health care provider will look, feel, and listen to the body. With these observations, the provider can start to determine whether your body has any physical problems, and then decide whether to order additional tests.


Adults age 65 and older should schedule yearly wellness visits. If you haven’t had a wellness visit in the last year, call your doctor to schedule one. Look for other opportunities to get an annual wellness visit through Blue Cross, coming soon.