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Is your health on track?

Member: As I get older, I want to take the right steps to stay healthy. How can I be sure I’m following all the different health recommendations without missing anything? — Rick, Cold Spring

Dr. Hill: It’s great that you’re prioritizing your health as we approach a new year. Annual wellness visits, available to you at no cost, are the best way to stay on top of your health. These visits help catch issues early and protect you from illnesses.

Your doctor will check your overall health, address any concerns and recommend screenings and vaccines. If you need to find an in-network healthcare provider, you can use our Find a Doctor tool at

Consider these key screenings and vaccinations for older adults:

Essential screenings

Regular screenings are crucial for early detection. Annual blood pressure checks help manage hypertension, which often has no symptoms. Cholesterol should be checked each year for adults 65 and older. Blood glucose or A1C tests are recommended every three years for adults with normal blood glucose levels.

Colon cancer screenings should begin at age 45. Women should start breast cancer screenings at age 40. Bone density tests are also recommended every two years for women 65 and older. These screenings are available to you at no cost.

Important vaccinations

Vaccines help prevent illness. Annual flu shots protect against seasonal flu, and adults age 50 and older should get the shingles vaccine. Td and Tdap boosters should be updated every 10 years. It’s crucial to stay up to date with COVID-19 vaccines and boosters, as older adults are at higher risk for complications. See additional vaccination recommendations on page 2.

Schedule your annual visit

To manage your health, be sure to schedule your annual wellness visit with your primary doctor. Consider using a calendar to keep track of your appointments. Follow your doctor’s recommendations to stay healthy year-round.