Diabetes Care

Advice for taking care of a loved one with diabetes

Managing a loved one’s diabetes can feel overwhelming, especially when you’re acting as their primary caregiver. From proper meal planning to monitoring blood sugar levels — there’s a seemingly endless list of daily tasks.

Whether your loved one has been newly diagnosed with diabetes, or they’ve been living with it their whole life, it’s important to keep it under control.

According to the National Diabetes Statistics Report, more than 11 percent of the population has diabetes. While diabetes can affect your physical, mental and emotional wellbeing, there are many ways to help manage it and live a full life.

Educate yourself

It’s important to educate yourself and your loved one as much as possible. Attend doctor appointments together, and learn as much as you can about your loved one’s medication and equipment.

Be on the lookout

Learn the signs of a drop or spike in blood sugar and what to do in each situation.

Stay active

With your loved one’s doctor’s approval, spend some time exercising together every day.
Physical activity can be very beneficial to individuals with diabetes. A walk around the neighborhood can do wonders.

Eat healthy

Healthy eating habits are critical for anyone with diabetes. Meet with your loved one’s doctor or dietitian to discuss proper nutrition, and develop a meal plan and grocery list to stay on track.

Join a support group

Diabetes can take a mental toll on both you and your loved one. Find a support group with individuals who are in the same situation. Building a community can help you feel connected and ease feelings of anxiety.

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