Member: My blood pressure has been normal for a while. Is it still important to monitor it? How long do I need to keep track of it? — Janis, Golden Valley
Anita: It’s good to hear that your blood pressure is under control. But it is essential to keep monitoring it regularly.
High blood pressure often doesn’t present noticeable symptoms. Ongoing checks are needed to ensure your health is stable and your treatment plan remains effective. Continued monitoring helps confirm that your blood pressure stays within the desired range. It also allows for early detection of any potential changes.
Regular monitoring is important due to the influence of lifestyle factors. Diet, exercise, alcohol use, stress and smoking can all impact blood pressure. By keeping track of your readings, you can better manage these elements.
When monitoring at home, keep these tips in mind:
Preparation – Avoid smoking, caffeine and exercise at least 30 minutes before taking a reading. Rest quietly for five minutes prior to measurement.
Proper Technique – Sit with your back supported, feet fl at on the ground and arm at heart level. Use the correct size cuff for accurate readings.
Consistency – Take your blood pressure at the same time each day. Keep a log of your readings.
Share with Your Doctor – Report your readings to your doctor at least once a year, even if they’re normal. This ensures your treatment plan is on track.
Members with a Part D plan through Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Minnesota can reach out to our Medication Therapy Management (MTM) team at 1-866-873-5941, Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Central Time for more information, or you can click here.