Getting outside and enjoying summer in Minnesota is important for your physical and mental well-being.
But as temperatures rise, so does the risk of heat-related illnesses like heat exhaustion. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), people ages 65 and older have an increased risk for heat-related illness. It is important to stay proactive in preventing dehydration and overheating when outside. Here are a few tips:
❑ Put on light clothing before leaving your home to help keep your body heat down, and your comfort level up. If it is too hot for long sleeves, be sure to apply sunscreen regularly to any exposed skin.
❑ Carry a water bottle when spending time outside, so you can stay hydrated throughout the day. You should be drinking water when you are thirsty, with meals, and before, during and after exercise.
❑ Eat foods with high water content, such as watermelons, cucumbers and strawberries. These foods are also healthy, delicious, and perfect for the summer.
It is also helpful to be aware of heat exhaustion symptoms, which include:
• Dizziness
• High body temperature
• Profuse sweating
• Irritability
• Nausea
• Decreased urine output
• Confusion or altered mental state
If you begin experiencing any of these symptoms, seek immediate medical attention. Having a friend or loved one with you during activities on hot days is also a good way to make sure you stay safe.