Anita Sharma

Understanding changing drug costs

Dr. Anita Sharma answers your medication questions

Member: My medication costs seem to change throughout the year. Why is this? —Emily, St. Louis Park

Anita: Thanks for the question, Emily. I know this can be a frustrating topic, especially if you’re taking multiple medications. The reality is that many factors contribute to the changing prices of medications and those factors are largely beyond the control of Blue Cross.

For example, pharmacies can negotiate costs for medications (within a limited range), so the same medication might have different costs at different pharmacies. Market fluctuations can also alter prices, as can what stage of coverage you are in, or what it takes to satisfy your deductible amount. Brand name vs. generic drugs can also make a big impact on cost, which is something you can discuss with your doctor if you have concerns.

Blue Cross also provides ways for you to learn more about prescription drug costs and track the costs of medications you are taking. There are two simple methods:

First, you can log in to your Blue Cross member portal at and click on the “Prescriptions” tab. Then click on the “Costs and Savings” icon. This will take you to, where you can search benefits and costs specific to your plan.

The second way is to go directly to, then click on “Explore” without logging in. If you use this method, you’ll need to know what plan you have to get accurate information.

Though many health conditions are unpredictable, your regular medications and their costs shouldn’t be. Blue Cross might not be able to control the markets, but we can help make sure there are no surprises during your next visit to the pharmacy.

If you have questions, you can call the number on the back of your member ID card.